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A Landing page for a food wholesale startup in React and Sanity
OCT 2023 - JAN 2024
Design & Development

I had the opportunity to develop a landing page and product catalogue for DAB Foods, Jordan's pioneering startup in the gourmet food sector. DAB Foods, established in 2021 as distributors of Sysco and Hunter’s Foods, prides itself on offering a unique shopping experience, featuring a wide range of American and International gourmet ingredients.


The primary goal was to create an online presence that encapsulates the essence of DAB Foods - a commitment to high quality products and customer satisfaction. The project aimed to showcase their array of high-quality products and to reflect the company’s ethos of providing equal access to premium goods without compromising on quality.


In designing the landing page and product catalogue, I focused on user experience, ensuring easy navigation and an aesthetically pleasing layout that aligns with DAB Foods' brand identity. The catalogue was meticulously curated to highlight the diverse range of products, emphasizing the trusted brands and superior quality that DAB Foods offers. As a result, the completed landing page and product catalogue effectively serve as a digital gateway for gourmet enthusiasts, offering a seamless and informative browsing experience. This project not only elevated DAB Foods’ online presence but also played a crucial role in enhancing customer engagement and expanding their market reach.

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In my role developing a landing page and product catalogue for DAB Foods, I significantly enhanced my communication skills, particularly in interacting with stakeholders and clients. This project taught me the importance of effectively conveying complex technical concepts in simple terms, ensuring that stakeholders’ needs were clearly understood and met. My ability to listen actively and incorporate feedback improved, allowing me to align project deliverables more closely with client expectations, thereby increasing client satisfaction. I also developed stronger client relationship management skills through regular updates and collaborative discussions. This experience not only honed my adaptability and problem-solving abilities in addressing challenges and managing expectations but also bolstered my professional confidence and presentation skills. By the project’s end, I had become more adept at assertive and clear communication, a crucial aspect of successful project leadership and client relations.